In cleaning out my sewing room, and yes there are a few areas I didn't get to like in the chest and all that but I did come across one thing that might be of importance to someone. This baby quilt it is 39" square and mainly teal and purple. Here is a pic
The reason I am showing this is because many of you know that I had chemo and radiation last year. There are times when I still have what they call "chemo fog" which is from what I understand due to the many drugs involved with all the drugs, my memory does not work with some words and actually some things that went on right before all the drugs and during. It is getting better but from what I have heard it will be awhile and since I am a diabetic it might be longer. It is pretty frustrating sometimes but I am trying to deal with it. Any way this is not meant to be a whiny note to you all it is meant to be a happy note for someone, I hope! I do not remember anything about this quilt. I do not remember making it, these are not my usual colors, There is an octagon that is appliqued in the center (which looks pretty kool) but this is not my doing at all. Now I have asked a few close friends that were around me then if they remember me doing it and they said no, so here it my question. During that time some people gave me there baby quilts to bind cause it did not take much energy and I could complete that task but this one I do not remember anything. I can tell you that not all the binding is stitched down which I will complete but I need to know who to give it back to. I know some of our guild members read my blog so I am posting a pic of it here first and then I will think of a next step if I do not get anywhere here.....thanks for taking the are appreciated!
I am certain that it is frustrating to not remember. Okay the fact is that after a medical procedure, there were two of three days that are still foggy to me years later. So, I have a small glimpse of how this must feel. Hopefully someone will step up and refresh your memory on this quilt.
Thanks Gene for leaving a comment, I hope so too. If not some little person will get it, it will not go to waste I assure you.
Hey Sharon, I was reading some of the getting to know you posts on Ozark (FBook). I moved to Atlanta from Chatanooga (lived there 3 years) and loved it so much. What area are you in? I had always wanted to drive up and check out the quilt shop before the tornados. Wonder if it's rebuilt.
This must be so frustrating for you! Since the quilt has purple in it I'd like to say it is mine, but no such luck. LOL I hope you find the owner of it and that you have fewer and fewer foggy moments. :O)
Thanks Carol I appreciate it. Sometimes it gets to me....but it is getting better little bits at a time.
No one has spoken up yet I just cannot believe I can't remember anything about it. Although there are some things I don't remember from around then I guess this could be possible....
Hi Linda I did send you an email...I hope you got it!
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