Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Things are moving along

Just wanted you all to know that things are moving along.  I am in week 2 of radiation and it is really kicking my butt.  If truth be known the chemo and I got along better.  I am sick every day I take radiation which is 5 days a week and the meds do help some,  but not too much eating of normal food is happening.  I do not seem to be doing too much other than going to radiation and back and believe me there is just enough time for that.  Really longing for those days of being with my quilty friends and groups and they can not come too soon.  My last day of radiation at this point is set for June 18th and I am keeping my fingers to you all soon..Many hugs and gratitude for all the good thoughts and karma that have been sent my way.  I am truly blessed with wonderful family and friends.


Gene Black said...

Sharon, the treatments will end. Although while they are making you sick it does seem like forever. Try to find a good strong happy thought to hold onto during the worst of it. And when you are feeling well enough to read, find something really funny. Humor does help.
Peace be with you my friend.

Unknown said...

Gene, thank you my friend for the words of encouragement....I am really trying to keep my chin up..

StitchinByTheLake said...

Sharon I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. My husband had chemo many years ago and it was tough but just like him I know you'll come through this just fine! I'm praying for many good days to come. blessings, marlene

Michele said...

I've been thinking of you so very much and wondering how you've been. I'm sorry the treatments are kicking your butt. Know that you have a whole quilty world here supporting you and wishing you good health.

Unknown said...

Marlene I feel so blessed with all of you out there praying for me. And it is nice to know and hear about someone that has come thru this and is doing great. Sometimes when the chips are down I find myself with a wondering mind if I will ever get thru all this. Your words are a comfort, thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Michele for all the support and I really do know that I am blessed...I have 11 radiation days to go so a little over 2 weeks and I do not think I will ever miss my routine and sewing room as much as I do now.....thanks again.

Cindy Brick said...

Gosh, I feel for you...this too will pass. Really. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Thanks Cindy for the words of encouragement....sometimes I wonder but on a whole I am trying to be positive.....appreciate the kind words..

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I haven't checked your blog in ages but last night I had time to go through my blog list and visit friends I have not "seen" in a long time. I had health issues this past spring and, as you know, they overtake your life. Hoping you will feel better really soon. :-)